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Best Friends Marker T-shirt

Picture of Best Friends Marker T-shirt

We all have that childhood best friend who we can tell absolutely everything to.  You can find bestie gear pretty much everywhere you go but why buy BFF t-shirt when you can have more fun making then with your best friend. All you need is a t-shirt and Tulip Permanent Fabric Markers.

Best Friends Marker T-shirt

What you need:

Tulip Permanent Fabric Markers 5 Pack Variety Pack
Freezer Paper

Best Friends Marker T-shirt

Start by printing out the best friend’s pattern and enlarging it to which ever size you’d like.

Cut some freezer paper to fit inside the shirts.  Make sure to place the shiny side of the freezer paper up towards the side you will be drawing on.  Place the iron on cotton setting over the top of the shirt and adhere the freezer paper and shirt together. This will temporarily keep your fabric nice and stiff to draw on.

Best Friends Marker T-shirt

Once you have the freezer paper on slide the best friend printout into the shirt.

Best Friends Marker T-shirt

I like using Tulip’s Permanent Fabric Markers Variety Pack because I have marker tip options. I started with a medium tip to draw the surrounding heart.

Best Friends Marker T-shirt

I then moved on to the best Friend part and used the large chisel tip to fill in each letter. And you can do small touch ups around the letters with the fine point markers.

Best Friends Marker T-shirt

Two of the girls in the office, Bree and Rochelle modeled the finished shirts for me.  They are actually IRL best friends.  I couldn't have planned for better models!

Best Friends Marker T-shirt
Best Friends Marker T-shirt


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