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Fabric Spray Paint Custom Holiday Wine Bags

Picture of Fabric Spray Paint Custom Holiday Wine Bags

'Tis the season to eat, drink and be merry! With all of the festivities during the holiday season, wine (or champagne or insert favorite drink here) makes a great gift to take to parties - you can never have enough, as far as we're concerned. We know there are plenty of pre-made wine gift bags out there that you can buy and be done with, but why not take it a step further and add an extra personal touch by making your own? They'll look super fab sitting on the gift table and guaranteed they'll end up being one gift bag that doesn't get tossed when the season is up. Read on to see how easy it is to DIY your own wine bags with Christmas shapes and Tulip® ColorShot® Instant Fabric Color.

Fabric Spray Paint Custom Holiday Wine Bags

Apply stickers and/or tape to create desired pattern on wine bag. Mask off all areas of bag not to be painted.

Fabric Spray Paint Custom Holiday Wine Bags

Working on covered work surface, spray bag with desired ColorShot colors.

Fabric Spray Paint Custom Holiday Wine Bags

Remove stickers/foam shapes before spray paint completely dries.

Fabric Spray Paint Custom Holiday Wine Bags

Let dry completely, then enjoy!

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