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Personalized Pillowcases with the Spin Art Tie-Dye Studio

Tulip Tie Dye Pillows

Throw pillows are a great way to add a pop of color to your space! If you can’t find a design that complements your style, make your own pillows with Tulip! Get inspired to create personalized pillowcases using the Tulip Spin Art Tie-Dye Studio and Color Wheel One-Step Tie-Dye Refills. Each pillow will be one of a kind with colorful tie-dye designs!!

Supplies Needed:

Tulip Spin Art Tie-Dye Studio

Tulip Color Wheel One-Step Tie-Dye Refills

Pillowcases (natural fiber fabric)


Plastic wrap or sealable plastic bag

Protective surface cover

Step 1 Prepare Your Work Area

Prepare your tie-dye work area

Assemble the Spin Art Tie-Dye Studio according to packaging instructions. Cover your workstation with a protective surface cover and prewash the fabric that you’ll be using for this tie-dye project. Place the damp pillowcase inside the spinner and replace the lid.

Step 2 Prepare dye powder and pipettes

Prepare dye powder and pipettes

Select which dyes you’d like to use for your personalized pillowcases. For this project, we are using lime, bubblegum, and red dye from the Color Wheel One-Step Tie-Dye Refills. Use scissors to cut the corner of the dye powder bags at an angle, then use the pipettes from the Spin Art Tie-Dye Studio to suction up the dye powder. Turn the pipettes upside down so dye powder collects at the base.

Step 3 Spin and apply dye

Spin and apply dye

Turn the knob on the spinner lid to activate! Spin manually a few times to build momentum and turn the knob to reactivate spinning as needed. While your project is spinning, use pipettes to apply dye through any of the openings in the lid.

Step 4 Keep spinning

Keep spinning

Continue spinning and applying dye powder until desired color distribution is achieved on your personalized pillowcase. You can stop the spinner and remove the lid to check color distribution as desired.

Step 5 Add water to blend dyes

Add water while spinning to blend

After the dye powder has been applied, slowly pour water into the openings while spinning to blend the colors on your personalized pillowcase. Apply half of the bottle of water to one side of your project to the dissolve dye powder. More water can be used to blend colors further.

Step 6 Flip and repeat

Flip and repeat steps 3-5

Open the spinner lid, flip your personalized pillowcase over, and repeat steps 3-5 to dye the other side.

Step 7 Wrap and let set

Wrap and let set 6-8 hours

Take your personalized pillowcase out of the spinner and rinse the spinner’s components. Create additional tie-dye pillowcases as desired for a complete set of personalized pillows! Place the dyed fabric into a sealable plastic bag or cover with plastic wrap. Allow the dyes to set for 6-8 hours.

Step 8 Reveal!

Personalized pillowcases with the Spin Art Tie-Dye Studio and tie-dye refills

After the dyes have set, rinse, wash in cool water with a little laundry detergent, and dry. Put your personalized pillowcases onto pillows and enjoy your unique tie-dye creations!

What will you tie dye with the Spin Art Tie-Dye Studio? Each project will be a one-of-a-kind surprise! Show us your colorful creations and tag us on social media @TulipColorCrafts!

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