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How To Paint Leopard Print with Dimensional Paint

How To Paint Leopard Print with Dimensional Paint

Wondering how to paint leopard print with Dimensional Paint? Check out this easy step-by-step leopard print painting tutorial using Tulip Dimensional Paint!

How To Paint Leopard Print with Dimensional Paint - create base splotches with brown Dimensional Paint

Step 1:

You can paint leopard print in any colors you like. For this painting tutorial, we're using the traditional leopard print Dimensional Paint colors of brown and black.

Shake bottles of Dimensional Paint and if desired, practice creating designs on scrap paper, paper towels, etc. First, prep your brown Dimensional Paint and squeeze out abstract splotch shapes onto your project surface. The initial shapes should be very natural looking and easy to do. Feel free to experiment with your leopard print pattern and paint splotches in different shapes and sizes.

How To Paint Leopard Print with Dimensional Paint - create base splotches with brown Dimensional Paint

Step 2:

While your Dimensional Paint splotches are still wet, it's okay to start applying your accent color of Dimensional Paint (we're using black here). Use your accent color of Dimensional Paint to partially outline the splotch shapes to create the leopard print pattern. Do not trace the entire shape, just a random section of each splotch. Before you know it, you’ll start recognizing the leopard print pattern!

How To Paint Leopard Print with Dimensional Paint - create base splotches with brown Dimensional Paint

Step 3:

Now you know how to paint leopard print with Dimensional Paint! Wasn't that easy? Painting leopard print patterns on your clothing, shoes, bags and more is one of the easiest ways to completely change the look. 

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