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DIY Personalized Family Welcome Mat

Picture of DIY Personalized Family Welcome Mat

A great welcome mat is essential for a warm welcome into any home. Personalized welcome mats are even better! ColorShot makes it super easy to create a welcome mat all your own. 

DIY Personalized Family Welcome Mat

What you need:

-Tulip Outdoor ColorShot in desired colors

-Blank doormat

-Desired stencil or pattern

DIY Personalized Family Welcome Mat

First off, take your stencil/pattern, and place it on the mat to confirm exact placement.

DIY Personalized Family Welcome Mat

Then take the ColorShot color of your choice and begin spraying over the stencil.

DIY Personalized Family Welcome Mat

Here, we did two-tone ombre technique. But feel free to let those creative juices flow and use as many colors as you’d like. Or keep it simple with a single color.

DIY Personalized Family Welcome Mat

Once you’ve colored the mat to your liking, remove the stencil.

Let the mat dry for 1 hour before putting it on display.

DIY Personalized Family Welcome Mat

Now you have a fun, colorful doormat, ready to welcome anyone who visits your home. We think the family name is totally fitting for a welcome mat, but if you have a simple quote or few favorite words you love, feel free to use those!

DIY Personalized Family Welcome Mat
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