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Father's Day Handprint Canvas

Father's Day Handprint Canvas

Dad's day is right around the corner and if you are looking for a fun craft for dad to proudly display in his office or man cave, this cute canvas might just be a good bet!  This is a perfect Mommy and me project that you can do together and you can easily modify this idea for more handprints if you have more than one kid too! And the cool thing is it only takes 30 minutes from start to finish!

Dad's day is right around the corner and if you are looking for a fun craft for dad to proudly display in his office or man cave, this cute canvas might just be a good bet!  This is a perfect Mommy and me project that you can do together and you can easily modify this idea for more handprints if you have more than one kid too! And the cool thing is it only takes 30 minutes from start to finish!

What you need:

 Tulip Slick Dimensional Fabric Paint in Black

 Tulip Soft Fabric Paint in Royal Blue

– Tulip Paintbrushes

– Foam sticker heart

– 12 x 12 White Canvas

– Styofoam or paper plate

squeeze the paint

Squeeze out Soft Paint onto plate.  Use enough to generously cover the palm of your child's hand.

Remove sticker from back of foam heart and apply in bottom center of canvas.

Cover child's hand using paintbrush with the Tulip Soft Paint.  Do this quickly because the paint dries fast.

Firmly have child press hand over foam heart. Have adult help in this process to get a clean, unmessy print.

Lift hand up to reveal design.  If any areas are not defined after you reveal, you can use some paint and your paintbrush to touch up!

Lift up foam heart.

Have Mom help write the words "I love you with all my heart" above the hand design.  We played around with uppercase and lowercase handwriting, but you can write it however you wish.  If the child is older, they might want to write the phrase themselves with the Tulip paint.  Just make sure they pencil on the design or practice on a sheet of paper before they start! Of course, let this project dry (it only takes a couple hours) before you "hand" off to dad!


We think this project will definitely pull at Dad's heartstrings, don't you?  After all, the best gifts truly come from the heart!

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