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Going Coastal Fabric Spray Tee

Going Coastal Fabric Spray Tee

Stay cool in the crazy summer heat with clothing that's nautically nice! Stripes in shades of blue always remind us of beachy fun, even if we're nowhere near the sand and surf. Even better, you can make your own designer-looking threads for half the price in a few easy steps!

Going Coastal Fabric Spray Tee
Going Coastal Fabric Spray Tee

Wash and dry a plain white T-shirt to remove the protective sizing from the fabric. (This is an important step because the sizing can block the fabric from absorbing the spray paint.) Then lay your shirt out flat on a covered work surface and add strips of painter's tape horizontally across the entire shirt. Place a piece of wax paper or freezer paper inside of shirt to prevent paint from soaking through to the backside.

Going Coastal Fabric Spray Tee

Spray a light, even coat of ColorShot across exposed fabric. Let dry for a few minutes and repeat with another light coat of color.

Going Coastal Fabric Spray Tee

Remove strips of tape and let shirt dry completely before wearing.

Going Coastal Fabric Spray Tee

Now you're ready to hit the town in cool coastal style!

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