Shipping & Returns

Please note shipping may be delayed an additional 3-5 days due to COVID-19. We appreciate your patience while we work safely to get your orders to you as quickly as we can.


Your satisfaction is a top priority for us, and we will gladly replace any product that you order from and receive in damaged condition. Unfortunately, because of the nature of our products, we are unable to offer returns or exchanges for any other reason.

To be eligible for a return, you must provide a proof of purchase, as well as the unused damaged product in the original packaging. You may choose whether you would like a refund or a replacement product.

To arrange your refund or replacement product, please contact our Tulip Color Customer Loyalty Team for instructions on how to return your damaged product.

Our team can be reached via:

Telephone: 1.800.441.8358


When contacting our team, please include all relevant information about the damaged product, as this will be used in processing your claim. You will be compensated for shipping costs required to return the product once your claim is verified.

Once Tulip receives your returned product and verifies damages, depending on your selection, we will:

Replace and ship a new product to you at no additional cost


Refund 100% of the purchase price, including shipping and handling