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4 Easy Easter Projects for All Ages

4 Easy Easter Projects for All Ages

Easter is a hop, skip and a jump away, and we’re in the mood for some Easter Bunny-approved crafts to celebrate! Here’s a roundup of family friendly Easter projects all ages will enjoy as much as hunting eggs on the day of. Stock up on your favorite Tulip Color Products in bright spring colors and get ready to craft your way to a happy Easter this year!

What you need:

Tulip Dimensional Fabric Paints – colors of choice

Tulip Pretty Pastels Tie-Dye Kit or kit of choice

Tulip Brush-On Fabric Paint – colors of choice

- Eggs

- Rocks

- Socks

- Tote bag

- Craft items as needed for each project

Puffy Paint Easter Eggs

Is it even Easter if you don’t decorate eggs? This Puffy Paint Eggs Easter project puts a twist on traditional egg dyeing by adding Dimensional Paints into the mix! You can dye your eggs like you traditionally do, and once they’re dry, decorate them with fun dimensional designs in bright colors. With such vibrant, artsy eggs, the Easter Bunny might be tempted to keep a few when he’s out hiding them for the big hunt!

Peeps Easter Tote

While you’re out scoring all of those Easter eggs ahead of other family members, you’re going to need a bag to stash them in! This cute Easter project turns an ordinary tote into a total winner with a little help from everyone’s favorite marshmallow treats – Peeps®! Use these sugary little bunnies to help stamp on perfect Peep designs with Tulip Brush-On Fabric Paints in pretty spring colors. The paints are permanent on fabric, so you can use your new lucky bunny tote to help you win the Easter egg hunt every year!

Tie-Dye Sock Bunnies

All of this talk about the Easter Bunny has us wanting little bunnies of our own to keep the whole year through, not just in the spring! This sock bunnies Easter project is especially fun for kids; not only do they get to do a creative tie-dye craft, they’ll also get to inspire their imaginations during playtime afterward. Grab some old socks from your drawer and see how easy it is to turn them into colorful, cuddly little bunnies!  

Puffy Paint Easter Egg Rocks

Want your Easter eggs to last for Easters to come? Try painting rocks instead! This Easter project will get the whole fam out of the house and on the hunt for the perfect rocks to paint. Once everyone has collected their favorite sizes and shapes, it’s time to get creative with Tulip Dimensional Paints! You can brush on bright-colored bases, then create dimensional shapes and patterns for “eggs” that also make great décor. We hope these Easter project ideas have you inspired to add some color to your Easter festivities this year. What else are you crafting up with Tulip Color Products this spring? Tag us on social @tulipcolorcrafts and share with us!

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