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DIY Patriotic Wreath with Fabric Spray Paint

Floral 4th of July Patriotic Wreath

Looking for a fun way to welcome guests to your 4th of July barbecue? This tutorial will show you how to make a fabulous DIY patriotic wreath that’s perfect for showing off your love for all things Americana. This simple project comes together with a little help from Tulip ColorShot Fabric Spray Paint.

What you need:

Materials for your DIY patriotic wreath
Before you get started on this project, clean your wooden door sign from any dust and debris. Place your flowers on the board to count how many will fit on your patriotic wreath. Set aside the flowers that will be spray painted.
Spray paint your flowers red
Now it’s time to paint the flowers for your patriotic wreath! Be sure to cover your work surface to protect from overspray. Shake can well for at least 1 minute, then hold can 6-8" from your flowers and spray with smooth, even strokes. Shake often during use. Apply one light coat at a time, waiting 5 minutes between coats. Remember, several light coats are better than one heavy coat!
Spray paint your flowers blue
Repeat with the flowers you set aside to be painted blue. Allow all of your spray painted flowers to dry for at least 30 minutes.
Glue flowers onto DIY patriotic wreath

Finally, it’s time to assemble your patriotic wreath! Apply a small amount of Aleene’s Quick Dry Fabric Fusion to each flower before placing it onto your wooden door sign. Press and hold firmly for a few seconds to secure. Continue to glue your flowers onto the board, with a block of blue in one corner for the “stars” and alternating rows of white and red flowers for the “stripes.” Once the glue has dried completely, your door décor is ready to display!  

Will you be making this patriotic wreath or other colorful creations for your 4th of July celebration? Show us how you decorate with Tulip and tag us on social media @TulipColorCrafts!

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