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Glow-in-the-Dark Halloween Candles

Glow-in-the-dark Halloween Candles Made with Tulip Glow Paint

Here at Tulip, we absolutely adore Halloween, if for no other reason than because of the wickedly cool DIY Halloween projects we see everyone making! Nothing helps us get in the spooky spirit of All Hallows Eve more than some creepy, crafty fun, like these ghoulish glow-in-the-dark candles from our friend Crystal over at A Pumpkin and a Princess! Follow this link to see how she used Tulip glow paints to turn black candles into an enchanting display that stands out in the dark.

What you need:

Tulip®Glow-in-the-Dark Paint

- Black candles

- Optional: vinyl + cutting machine

- Toothpicks

Create design onto candles with vinyl or freehand

Using a cutting machine, like a Silhouette or Cricut, cut Halloween shapes out of vinyl. If you’re great at drawing, you can skip this step and just sketch your design onto candle. The white vinyl does help the paint glow brighter against the dark candle. The paint will have a bright glow either way, but the solid background allows you to use less paint to cover the dark candle.

Apply the paint on top of your Halloween shapes.

Apply the paint on top of your Halloween shapes. Tip: use a toothpick to spread the paint on smaller designs and intricate cuts. Allow your paint to dry overnight.

Use flameless candles so that they can be “lit”

Use flameless candles so that they can be “lit”

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