Halloween Movie Quote Doormat

Put your favorite Halloween movie quote to good use with a doormat that greets trick or treaters with some spooktacular fun! We're vibing on this quote from the movie Hocus Pocus, but the best part about a DIY Halloween doormat is you can create anything you find bewitching. You can go with a ghoulish haunted house theme or one that's more kid friendly if you have lots of little ones in your neighborhood. All you need is a can of Tulip ColorShot Outdoor Upholstery Spray and a simple outdoor mat, and you're in business!
What you need:
- Tulip® ColorShot Outdoor Upholstery Spray
- Doormat
- Freezer paper
- Masking tape
- Pencil
- Craft knife
- Optional: Aleene's® Repositionable Tacky Spray

- Draw or trace desired design onto large piece of freezer paper.
- Use craft knife to cut out design and create stencil.
- Lay stencil on mat in desired position and use tape to mask all areas not to be painted to prevent overspray. Tip: Use Aleene’s® Repositionable Tacky Spray to temporarily adhere stencil to mat.
- Apply Outdoor COLORSHOT spray to open areas of stencil. Apply several light coats, allowing each to dry before applying the next.
- Remove stencil from mat to reveal design.

Place it on your doorstep and get ready for some Fright Night fun!